Root-canal Treatment

Root-canal Treatment


Root canal is a treatment that is used to repair and keep a badly rotten or infected tooth in place. During the root canal procedure, the pulp is removed and the canals are cleaned and closed.

The pulp chamber is the soft region in the middle of the tooth. The nerve of the tooth is located within the root canals located within the roots or "legs" of the tooth. The nerves move from the root of the tooth to the pulp chamber, which also contains the blood vessels and connective tissues that feed the teeth.

It is of no importance for the health and function of the female after the tooth is exposed with gums. The only function is sensory - to provide a warm or cool feeling. The presence or absence of the nerve does not affect the daily functioning of the tooth.

1 - Why Does the Pulp Need to Be Removed?

When the pulp is damaged, it breaks down and the bacteria begin to multiply in the pulp chamber. Bacteria and other rotten spills can cause infection or abscess. An abscess refers to an inflamed pocket formed at the ends of the teeth. Infection occurs when the infection spreads when the ends of the tooth roots pass. In addition to abscess, it can cause infection in the root canal of a tooth:

  • Swelling of the face, neck and / or other parts of the head
  • Bone loss around the tip of the root


2 - What How can a nerve of a tooth be damaged?

Repeated dental procedures and / or large fillings on a tooth may be traumatic, fracture of the tooth or trauma to the face, which may be irritated, inflamed and deeply affected by decay.

3 - What are the Signs of Root Canal Treatment Required?

Sometimes there are no symptoms. However, the signs for searching include:

• Severe toothache on chewing or applying pressure

• Long-term sensitivity / pain in hot or cold (after hot or cold removal)

• Color change of the tooth (darkening)

• Swelling and tenderness in nearby gums

• A permanent or recurrent abscess in the gums


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